If you are curious about the life cycle of a human being, the unique game BitLife Life Simulator is for you. Controlling a stranger's life? Can you?

BitLife Life Simulator is a game that allows you to experience the entire life cycle of a person. Are you curious about the process of growing up from a baby until the end of a human being? This fun simulation game can help you imagine what could happen in anyone's daily life.

BitLife Life Simulator has simple gameplay, and like other simulation games, you will never lose unless you proactively restart. The main character will have four basic indicators: health, happiness, appearance, and intelligence. All of these factors can be improved in specific ways. This is the feature that makes the game so addictive. Everything happens like normal life. It was so great to try! Don't hesitate to experience and explore this marvelous game for yourself!

How To Play

The game begins with choosing a country and the pair of parents who will raise the character. Players take turns choosing age-appropriate actions to have a round with the most accurate experience. For example, when you were a newborn, there was nothing you could do but choose to see a doctor to ensure your health every day. There are three important entity milestones that you need to pay attention to:

  • Adulthood stage: Usually begins at age 18 with decisions that can directly affect later life.
  • Financial management: A reasonable way of spending will help you have better life conditions. Players click on the Assets icon on the Menu bar to manage this feature.
  • Finding a soulmate: Another interesting feature of BitLife Life Simulator is the feature that can help the entity fall in love, get married, and even have children. A complete experience that accurately reflects what happens in reality makes the game easy to please participants.
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